2020 Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition

Entry Deadline: January 10, 2020
2020 Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition
Venue / Location

1101 W. McKinley Avenue
Pomona, CA 91768

General Information

The extra virgin olive oil competition celebrates its 21st anniversary in 2020. Back in 2000, wine competition organizers were looking for a way to expand the competition. The marriage of extra virgin olive oil and wine was natural. Both require a distinguished palate, both have distinctive varietals, both are important to serving the perfect meal.

At its inception, the Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition enlisted an impressive list of judges to taste the finest domestic extra virgin olive oils. The competition was eventually opened to international oils, with oils coming from Northern and Southern Hemisphere.

The wine and extra virgin olive oil competitions are the foundation for an extensive education program that’s available to nearly 1.2 million visitors to the Los Angeles County Fair.

Public wine tasting began in 1968; in 1998 a wine education center opened, complete with consumer-driven classes, tastings and a display of the award-winning wines. Extra virgin olive oil was added to the program in 2000 and spirits in 2007.

The Los Angeles International Wine and Extra Virgin Olive Oil competitions are committed to educating the public about wine and extra virgin olive oil, featuring industry experts with extensive knowledge about selection, tasting and food pairings.

Entry Fees

Per Entry Fee – $175.00

Shipping Address / Drop Off Location

Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition
1101 W. McKinley Avenue
Pomona, CA 91768

Product must be shipped no later than January 17th, 2020

Prizes / Awards / Medals / Ribbons

An award or medal is given to a producer for a particular oil, a specific variety or blend, produced that season from current fruit.

The medal or award may only be displayed on the identical oil on which the Best of Show, Best of Class, Gold, Silver or Bronze Medal was awarded.

Awards from previous Judging’s may not be placed on bottles for publicity.

The Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition will offer, for purchase, Best of Show, Best of Class, Gold, Silver, and Bronze award seals to the producers that won these awards.

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