Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park
87th Street Parkway & Lackman Road
Lenexa, KS 66215
General Information
Calling all cooks and chefs! You are invited to enter your best spinach dishes in the Lenexa Spinach Recipe Contest at the Lenexa Spinach Festival.
Prepare your best spinach recipe and turn it in at the Lion’s Shelter at Sar-Ko-Par Trails Park between noon and 1 p.m. on the day of the festival. Please plan enough time for parking and to arrive at the turn-in location. Be sure to bring:
– Your fully prepared spinach item
– Copy of your recipe
– Spinach Recipe Contest application form
Entries will be judged on creative use of spinach, appearance and taste.
Categories – Appetizer, Salad, Entrée, Dessert
Entry Fees
No Entry Fee
Winner $100.00/Cash Prize (Each Category – Appetizer, Salad, Entrée, Dessert)
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